Talents Week


Talents Week

Talent is a commodity that some say is God-given. We talk about the beauty and wonder of talent all the time. Whether its athletics, music, business, speaking, leadership or writing. To stage their talents, 'talent's week' is organized. It is a hunt for hidden talent amongst the students. Apart from entertainment, the main motive of this program is to provide a platform for the students to discover and showcase their talents.

Many off-stage and on-stage events like 'quiz', 'creative writing' for those with a flair for words in four different languages (Hindi, English, Tamil, Kannada), 'face painting' and 'pot painting' for those who with a panache for colors, 'cooking without fire' for those who wished to demonstrate their culinary skills, 'Dance' (solo and group), 'singing' (solo and group) 'pencil sketching', etc., to name a few.