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1.Value Education

Value education is done through the various activities in the college. Values are instilled during Monday morning assemblies by the faculty or the research person.

Values such as happiness, positivity, respecting elders are spoken with a moral story to make it more understanding.

In addition, faculty conducts one-hour value education classes on weekly bases. Each class is based on a lesson plan which is oriented in instilling core moral values such as faith in God, honesty, truth, unity, time management, team spirit, moral consciousness, personal development of student, etc.

2.Encouragement of fitness for the faculty and students:

The value of physical fitness in college are just a diversion for the mind. So, keeping this in mind, the faculty from 3-4 pm started being physically active.

Some of them started playing badminton, walking within the limited campus. After doing this they felt much relaxed mentally and refreshed after 5 hours of taking classes.

It made them come out of their routine and they felt relaxed and mentally awake. Even some of the students started playing. They felt a sense of mental alertness and the team spirit was growing. The physical stamina for the faculty and students were building up too. It brought about development of the mind too.